Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is the GOP listening?

Click title to link to article:

"ALBANY, N.Y. – Fighting plunging support, Republican Dierdre Scozzafava abruptly suspended her campaign Saturday in the 23rd Congressional District special election that has exposed a rift among national factions of the party."

"The announcement comes after a Siena College poll found she was in third place with 20 percent of the vote in the heavily Republican district that has been safe ground for the party for more than 100 years. Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman and Democratic nominee Bill Owens were too close to call with 35 percent and 36 percent, respectively."

Scozzafava was a Republican In Name Only (RINO). Her voting record says she's more liberal than most Democrats. And the people could see through that.

Newt Gingrich supported Scozzafava, saying:

“I just think it is a mistake for the conservative movement to think splitting in the special election is a smart idea,” Gingrich said. “If we give that seat to the Democrats, shame on us.”

Well I say shame on you Gingrich. The people want a conservative, and the GOP are not listening to their base. Didn't they figure it out when we didn't come out and vote for McCain?
This is great news for the conservatives. Maybe they're listening now.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Liberals and our School System

Recently there's been discussion on how to increase education and scores in the U.S. (again...). Obama and other liberals think the answer is more school. Longer hours. Clearly, more government involvement.

But when you look at the top countries in the world, like Japan and South Korea, there's one thing the libs are ignoring.…

They still are CONSERVATIVE in their values. They value hard work and education.

They understand the importance of having two parents in the home, evidence by their low divorce rate. They actually SACRIFICE for the sake of their children. Noble thought, huh?…

Teenage pregnancy (births and abortions) are low because they value life and marriage.…

The answer is simple. Two parents in the home. Morals. Values.
So are liberals blind to this, or they don't care because their selfish agenda is more important?