While welfare is wrong and destructive to the human spirit, I understand how people can be fooled into thinking that it’s good. Abortion, on the other hand, is a liberal ideal I just can’t grasp as to why it has been aloud to be performed legally over the last 36 years. Americans look back in history at the horror of Hitler murdering 6 million Jews, blacks, handicapped, and others he felt were not worthy of life. We cringe when we hear stories of female infanticide in countries like India and China, where baby girls are purposely killed because males are preferred. Yet we foolishly have bought into the idea that if the baby isn’t out of the womb yet, the mother has the right to kill it if she pleases. And many don’t bat an eye at the over 40 million abortions that have been performed since 1973. There is no doubt in my mind that history books 100 years from now will wonder how such a “civilized” society could do something so barbaric.
Eugenics, a term coined by Sir Francis Galton (half-cousin of Charles Darwin) in 1883, was defined as "the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations.” When people think of eugenics, many think of Nazi Germany and their systematic murder in order to create a Master Race. What many don’t know is that Hitler and the Germans became intrigued by this idea after hearing about the work that was being done in the United States. The sterilizing of those with “objectionable traits” in order to create a better, more productive society. Some of this work was being done by Margaret Sanger. Who is Sanger? Sanger was the founder of the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood.
In the April 1932 Edition of Birth Control Review, Sanger’s “A Plan for Peace” was published. Her belief was that Congress needed to set up a special department for “population problems.” Among the main objectives she out lined for this department:
• to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.
• to keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feebleminded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.
• to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.
• to insure the country against future burdens of maintenance for numerous offspring as may be born of feebleminded parents, by pensioning all persons with transmissible disease who voluntarily consent to sterilization.
• to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.
• to apportion farm lands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.
So a liberal, women’s rights hero believed, much like Hitler, that it was in the best interest of the country that the United State should try to create a master race through sterilization. But instead of Jews, she wanted to effectively rid the country of the “feeble minded, idiots, morons, and epileptics.” And while she didn’t create gas chambers, she pushed for laws for “women’s rights” on “family planning.” That movement has dwarfed Hitler’s damage, with the death toll at 44 million+ and counting.
Abortion today is similar to the slavery debate 200 years ago. First, many choose to stay ignorant on the issue, pretend it doesn’t exist or it doesn’t affect them. Those who do personally oppose it, do nothing about it. I love this line, often used by politicians and now adopted by the general public as a way to skate around standing up for what’s right: “I don’t believe in it for myself, but it’s not my place to take that right away from other.” Is the exact same thing many whites in the North and South were saying during the debates over slavery. Instead of speaking out against a wrong, they responded like cowards. Many today do the same.
So what’s the major difference? People were able to visually see slavery. As difficult and horrible as slavery was, slaves were able to state their case (though they’d be beaten or killed for it). Slaves were able to revolt. With abortion, we don’t see the results. Unborn children can’t start an uprising. We can pretend it doesn’t happen. We can pretend it’s just a “clump of cells.” “Women’s rights” groups try to block the truths even from the women getting abortions. Like what it looks like, and what it will feel. The general public definitely is not aware. So these procedures are done quietly. Mostly in poor, urban areas.
It’s shocking to me any time I hear people argue for abortion. It’s never a well thought out, rational argument. It’s “keep your religion off my body,” or “Pro-lifers are hypocrites because they say they’re pro-life, but they’re for the death penalty,” or “Pro-lifers don’t want abortion, but they trash single mothers.” See what they do there? No reason for it. Only attacking the reasons against.
First, religion is not the only reason people are (or should be) against abortion. I’m opposed to murder. And that happens to be one of the Commandments. Does that mean this is a religious value, and should not be law? Separation of Church and State, right? I better be careful. I may have just given some lawyer an idea for a new lawsuit.
Secondly, I am actually opposed to the death penalty. But I’m not sure I could have a discussion with someone who couldn’t see that there might be a difference between putting to death a convicted murderer or serial rapist and the murder of an unborn child. Let alone the fact that over 40 million unborn babies have been sentenced to death, while less than 2,000 convicted criminals since 1976 have suffered the same fate.
Finally, most conservatives I know don’t trash single mothers either. But to ignore the obvious is dangerous. If you look at the statistics, the numbers are staggering. How many single mothers are on welfare, how many single mothers have kids who drop out of school, and how many prison inmates came from a home with a single mother. You can coddle them if you please, but it’s doing more harm than good. I’d rather look at a problem and try to solve it.
It’s a difficult thing to talk about. It’s definitely not a topic I enjoy writing about. But we can’t just go on ignoring the facts and not thinking about it. There is an innocent victim here. What we are doing is unjust and needs to be corrected. So let’s put to rest the debate over abortion. Here are the arguments for abortion, and why every single one is wrong:
• We can’t push our morals on other. In case people are unaware, all our laws are exactly that. There may be people who think murder is okay, stealing can be justified, and multiple wives is acceptable. Yet the morals of this country have decided that these are not in the best interest of the people and the country.
• Government controls the women’s body. It’s funny, liberals want government to control everything. Yet on this issue, they want government to stay out. Well if I argued that laws prohibiting murder prevented me from pulling a trigger and killing someone, would you argue that I should govern my body, not the government?
• The baby could not survive yet on it’s own outside the womb. Therefore, it is not a life. Once the baby is born, it could not survive on its own either. It needs its mother. Yet it is definitely a life.
• “Back Alley” abortions would increase, endangering mostly young women. So because it’s dangerous for people to do something illegal, yet they keep doing it, let’s make it legal. Rapists are getting diseases, so let’s set up a safe place where they can take their victims and rape them safely. We’ll hand out condoms.
• It’s a woman’ right to choose. As far as I know, there’s only been one woman in the history of the world who has gotten pregnant without the help of a man. Yet it becomes a women’s rights issue, and only the woman decides the fate of the child?
• One brief mistake can trap a woman for life. This is life. There are consequences to things we do. One bad decision about drinking and driving and you may end up dead. People need to have personal responsibility.
• Abortion is not murder because the fetus is not yet a person. At which point does a fetus actually become a person? There’s no gray area. Something is either alive, or dead. If something is growing, it's alive.
So let’s be frank and politically incorrect here. Women have the right to choose. They choose whether or not to keep their legs closed. They also get to choose whether or not they want to use one or more of the many forms of birth control. But you’re telling me that we can’t count on women to make these most basic of choices, yet we will give them the right to kill the growing child. I believe that it is the exact opposite of women’s rights. We treat women as if we need abortion as an option because they can’t seem to make good decisions. Maybe if women made better decisions about who they decided to sleep with, and held the man accountable if they did become pregnant, we wouldn’t have to worry about debating this heinous act.
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